Bus Ticket do'nt enroll you to Touch Me

posted by IDemandMyHonor on

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This is not something that happens with any particular person but something that happens daily, innumerable times to all the girls/women. With 'I' I represent a common voice that demands certain level of humanity and moral from the men.

It doesn't occur just once but many times. I go to work and I can't afford to buy me a personal means of transport. I board the DTC bus that is my helplessness and I am compelled. I did the same when I was in college. That was the first time I boarded the bus alone. The trauma had started since then only. But I am compelled to do so for monetary issues. 

Many times, I have felt people trying to press against me in the crowded buses intentionally. I have felt hands against my body. Even if I get seated, people guys lean forward and it is quiet embarrassing. A certain times, I have rebelled but how many times I have to make them aware of such things? 

I heard people talking that it is because of the how girls dress these days. I will contradict them as I wear decent clothes but that has not stopped them. I curse them but has it helped till yet? Does buying the bus ticket enroll them to touch me deliberately? 

What can be done to put a stop at this? When will men learn? Do we need to have separate buses for our safety? Should government give it a thought? I think yes, we need it. We need it to get rid of this ugly habit of men, to be safe, to feel free while travelling in DTC buses.

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